WWDC Parties API

Hi. Geoff Pado here. I started WWDC Parties six years ago, and these days, I handle the code side of the website. (Emily Stewart has done the design for the last two years. She makes the site usable by not-me.)

This year, we're doing something we haven't done the last five years: opening up the source and API for WWDC Parties. While WWDC Parties has technically had a public API since its second year, it's never been properly documented or announced. The site has also been closed-source since its first incarnation. We're fixing that. We've completely rewritten the site and API in Clojure, and we're releasing that source to the world. We've also documented the API for use by other developers who wish to use that information for their own purposes.

Happy partying!


WWDC Parties: The site that we're talking about.
@WWDCParties: Get in touch with us on Twitter if you have any issues with the site, source, or API.
API Source: The source code that runs the WWDC Parties API.


Party Format: The JSON format that describes parties.
List Parties: Get a list of all parties on the website.
Party Info: Get information about a single party.
Submit Party: Submit new parties of your own.